During the Point in Time homeless count on January 28th, 2016, Katherine Korak-Hutchens, a 5th grader at Ouabache Elementary School, decided she wanted to help others less fortunate than her. Katherine wanted to have a clothing drive to benefit all ages of those in need.
In collaboration with her mother, Dr. Jennifer Hutchens, Clinical Supervisor, Hamilton Center, her principal, Dr. Susan Cobb, Oubache Elementary, and Melvin L. Burks, CEO, Hamilton Center, Katherine’s Drive, Spring Cleaning with Meaning, has taken the form of a competition between Ouabache Elementary School and Hamilton Center.
The two sites will have one month to collect clothing, shoes, and coats to benefit those in need. The winner will have “bragging rights” for the next year. Additionally, the top three classes that collect the most items will win a pizza party.
Katherine is hopeful this will be an annual drive. “These people are very humble and grateful that others care about them. They try very hard to survive during the winter season and try to keep their families warm,” she said.
Katherine requests if you have any clothes that do not fit please send them to Ouabache Elementary School or Hamilton Center. The dates of the drive are April 15th to May 15th.
Hamilton Center, Inc. is a regional behavioral health system serving central and west central Indiana. Offices are located in ten Indiana counties with the corporate office in Terre Haute. Hamilton Center serves people during their entire life cycle, birth through older adulthood with programs specifically designed for young children, adolescents, adults and families.